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It's Time For An Audit...

Writer: Dustin K Dustin K

As small business owners and tax-paying Canadians, the thought of being audited is about as comfortable as scheduling a root canal. It's not that we're doing anything wrong, but putting anything under a microscope can be uncomfortably revealing. It's part of the reason larger organizations hire outside firms to perform audits during seasons of transition to ensure everything is healthily working as it needs to be. And if not, ideally, action is taken to correct bad habits and implement good ones.

On that note, how are your New Year's resolutions going? Are you on track to be in the 9% who succeed into 2024, or does it already look like you'll be in the 80% calling it quits by February?

New Year's resolutions can be great feel-good concepts, but without turning them into actionable habits, they'll likely remain just that - concepts.

Pastor Dave of Trentside Baptist Church in Fenelon Falls & Bobcaygeon gave a sermon on January 1 entitled Make Habits, not Resolutions.

Whether we like it or not, we're all creatures of habit.

What is in question is the nature of the habits that make up our lives.

You may be a chronic door dasher and online shopper, or you could spend hours in the kitchen after you've gone to the store and done your tactile shopping. Good and bad habits impact your life whether they belong to an early bird, a night owl, a health nut, or a couch potato.

How often do you review and adjust the totality of the habits directing your life?

This process is known as a Life Audit. And while the when, where and how to start can be challenging, the why is simple.

In the wise words attributed to Lao Tzu,

Watch your thoughts, they become your actions; Watch your actions, they become your habits; Watch your habits, they become your character; Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

When doesn't have to be that difficult either; if you have never completed a life audit, now is the time to do one. It's also good to perform life audits before and after making big life-altering decisions.

Many people perform partial audits of their life circumstances, weighing the pros and cons of certain decisions. Still, it often needs to get deeper to properly align all habits so that one complements another towards the same end.

And for the How and Where, we came across a great resource during the research for this piece.

Entrepreneur Coach Ana Mcrae has her Ultimate Guide on How To Do A Life Audit on her website, with a workbook available for anyone willing to trade an email address for permission to send a few more pieces of "adivce" to their inbox.

As she puts it,

A life audit forces you to be intentional with how you’re spending your time, money, and energy so that they can contribute to your personal fulfillment and success.

So we're continuing on our mission to stop creating resolutions with a renewed commitment to making and breaking our habits as we dig into the spirit of Get A Balanced Life month with the intention of making it a year-round process.

Because habit forming isn't an overnight process, while there's some disagreement over the exact windows of time it takes to make or break a habit, there is a consensus that it can take weeks or months, if not years, to change our practices.

So we invite you to hold us accountable for mastering our habits. And perhaps find inspiration to master your own.

Our goal is to start by performing full life audits and introducing small new stacking habits quarterly and yearly to eliminate the bad, add to the good and shift all our other patterns into alignment with who we want to be at the end of it all.


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